Our foundation plans to offer different services to clients and participants. We will discuss these in detail here.
- Day Care Service
- Home for mothers with a single child
- Financial Literacy Workshops
- Work Training Program
- College Program
- Trade Training Program

Day Care Service
We plan to establish a day care center for women with single child from lower income communities. While the mothers avail our programs and service, pursue their careers and education, we will take care of their children. A kid-friendly, joyful day care center will educate and entertain these lovely children.

Home for Women With a Single Child
We will establish a home for girls and young women with single child. The facility will have approximately 10 to 12 rooms and will house these girls. The home will be fully equipped with all the amenities of a peaceful, carefree life and stay.

Financial Literacy Workshops
More women today are realizing the importance of being financially literate. They also feel more empowered to control their own, or their family’s finances. Our workshops will enable women to better understand the financial world around them and make sound financial decisions for their families and themselves.

Work Training Program
Through our work training program, we will provide these mothers a set of skills to find and excel at work. The classes will include resume preparation, interview skills, among others.

College Program
Our College program will help women reenter and advance in their college education.

Trade Training Program
This program is designed to impart necessary trade skills to girls and young women who want to be financially independent, acquire skill sets and start their own business.